A Beginner Guide to Solar Battery Storage Systems

As Canadian homeowners increasingly shift toward more reliable and affordable energy options, renewable resources like solar have increasingly answered the call. While solar PV systems have been around for a good while, the arrival of reasonably priced home energy batteries capable of storing a home or business’s daily electricity consumption are a more recent development.

During sunny days, your solar panels can produce more electricity than needed – which makes sense when you consider that every hour and a half, enough sunlight reaches the earth’s surface to meet the world’s energy needs for an entire year!

This beginner’s guide to solar batteries, also known as “solar plus storage” systems aims to demystify the complexities and highlight the practical benefits of this handy upgrade to solar PV systems. We’ll explore the basics of solar battery storage, including how they work in conjunction with your solar panel set up, the types of batteries available, and the substantial benefits it offers home and businesses.

 What is Solar Battery Energy Storage?

Solar batteries store excess energy from solar panels when the sun isn’t shining, allowing your home or business to use that energy instead of relying on the electrical grid. Your solar battery system stores excess energy generated during the day for use at night or during power outages. This is especially handy and may even be lifesaving in inclement weather if the conventional grid is down for an extended period.

Here’s how it works in a nutshell:

  • Energy Collection: Your solar panels absorb sunlight and convert it into direct current (DC) electricity.
  • Inversion of Energy: An inverter then converts this DC electricity into alternating current (AC) electricity, which is what most household appliances use.
  • Energy Storage: Any surplus electricity not immediately needed by your home is sent to the solar battery storage system, where it’s stored as chemical energy.
  • Energy Usage: When your solar panels are not generating electricity (like during the night or on cloudy days), the stored energy in the batteries can be converted back into AC electricity and used to power your home.


Types of Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) 

Lithium-Ion Batteries

  • Advantages such as higher energy density and longer lifespan

Lead-Acid Batteries

  • Overview of affordability and reliability for residential use

Flow Batteries and Other Technologies

  • Emerging technologies and their unique benefits and applications

When choosing a solar battery storage system, homeowners and small businesses have several options, each with its own set of benefits and considerations. Let’s break down some of the most popular types.

Lithium-Ion Batteries

Lithium-ion batteries are arguably the most popular choice for both residential and commercial solar storage. They are known for their high energy density, long lifespan, and relatively low maintenance. According to EnergySage, lithium-ion batteries can last anywhere from 10 to 15 years or around 10,000 charging cycles. They’re also more compact, making them suitable for homes with limited space.


Lead Acid Batteries

Lead-acid batteries are the tried-and-true workhorses of the solar storage world. While they may not have the longevity or efficiency of lithium-ion batteries, their lower upfront costs make them an appealing option for many. However, they do require regular maintenance and have shorter lifespans, typically ranging from a charging life of 500 to 1000 cycles.

Flow Batteries

Flow batteries are a bit like the “new kids on the block.” These systems use a liquid electrolyte to store energy and are praised for their scalability and long lifespan. They’re particularly suited for larger applications, but residential options are becoming more accessible.

One of the standout features is that they can be charged and discharged simultaneously, increasing their efficiency. While still on the pricier side, the longevity and scalability can offer long-term benefits. They’ve been tested to last 10,000 charging cycles or more.

Hybrid Systems

Some homeowners and businesses opt for hybrid systems that combine different types of batteries or integrate battery storage with other forms of energy backup like generators. This can offer the best of both worlds by providing reliability and efficiency tailored to your specific needs.

No matter which type you choose, it’s important to consider factors like cost, lifespan, maintenance requirements, and energy needs. Consulting with a solar energy expert can provide additional insights and help you make the best decision for your situation.

 Key Components of a Solar Battery Storage System

Knowledge is power – in this case, quite literally! Let’s break down the essential parts of a solar battery storage system in simple terms to help you understand what you’ll need for a home setup.

Solar Panels

These make up the bulk of your solar PV system. A solar expert will help you ensure that your existing or new panels will be compatible with your storage. They capture sunlight and convert it into electricity. Think of them as the very first step in your solar energy journey.

Battery Storage Unit

When sunlight hits the solar panels, they convert it into electricity in the form of direct current (DC). This DC electricity flows into the battery storage unit, where it’s stored as chemical energy.

Inverter and Other Essential Hardware

The electricity generated by your solar panels is in direct current (DC). Because your home or business runs on alternating current (AC), an inverter is necessary to convert DC into AC. In addition to the inverter, you’ll also need some wiring and connectors to link your system together.

Hybrid Inverters

Traditional inverters only convert DC electricity from solar panels into AC electricity for immediate use. Hybrid inverters on the other hand also manage the flow of electricity between the solar panels, the battery bank, and the grid, but also decide the best way to use it.

magine you have solar panels on your roof that generate electricity during the day. A regular inverter just turns that solar power into electricity you can use right away in your home. A hybrid inverter decides whether to send that extra energy to a battery to save for later or even share it with the grid.


Monitoring and Control Systems

These modern gadgets let you monitor your solar system’s performance. They often incorporate apps that track energy storage and usage in real time, giving you insights into your energy habits and helping you optimize your power consumption. This way, you can monitor everything right from your smartphone, whether you’re at home or on the go.


Benefits of Solar Battery Energy Storage

Increased Efficiency of Solar PV System as a Whole

Instead of letting that extra power go to waste, a solar battery stores it for later use. When evening comes, and your panels aren’t generating power, your home can still run on the clean, renewable energy you’ve collected throughout the day. Essentially, energy storage allows you to make the most out of your solar investment, ensuring that every ray of sunlight counts towards powering your home efficiently.

Backup Power During Power Outage

Let’s face it: Power outages can be more than a minor inconvenience; they can disrupt our entire day. That’s why having a reliable backup power source is so important, especially during adverse weather conditions like storms or heat waves. When the grid goes down, your solar battery can kick in and keep the lights on, ensuring your home remains a safe and comfortable haven.

Think about all the essential services and appliances around your home that need uninterrupted power.

  • Your refrigerator and freezer to keep your food safe.
  • Your HVAC system maintains a comfortable temperature.
  • Your security system that protects your family.
  • The charging ports that your smartphones connected which can be a lifeline during emergencies.
  • Computers that ensure uninterrupted work.
  • Heating that keeps pipes from freezing and bursting

Reduced Costs

Another great reason to consider a solar battery backup is the potential for cost savings. By storing excess energy generated by your solar panels during the day, you can use it during peak hours when electricity rates are higher. This means you won’t have to rely on expensive peak power from the grid, effectively lowering your energy bills and protecting you from fluctuating energy costs.

Quiet, Efficient Battery Storage Can Replace Noisy Generators

While traditional generators provide a backup power source, they come with several downsides: famously humming background noise, ambient air pollution, and they also require that you have fuel on hand at all times.

Solar battery energy storage systems offer a quieter, cleaner, and more efficient alternative hands down. And you can toss that smelly can of gas you have stowed away in the corner of the garage!

The duration for which a generator can power your home depends largely on its fuel capacity, but typically, a standard gasoline-powered generator with a full tank can run anywhere from 8 to 12 hours, depending on its size and the amount of electricity being used.

In contrast, a solar battery energy system can provide power for a full 24-hour period or even several days, particularly when combined with solar panels that continue to recharge the storage system.


Choosing the Right Solar Battery Storage System

Selecting the perfect solar battery storage system can feel overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be. Here are the main considerations when choosing a compatible battery storage system.


Battery capacity is a function of your daily power usage. For example, if you have high energy consumption or want to ensure your home can run smoothly during prolonged power outages, opting for a battery with a larger capacity is key. The average Canadian household uses 11,135 kWh of electricity per year.

For grid-connected solar systems, the number of batteries required generally ranges from one to three lithium-ion batteries, each offering at least 10 kWh of usable capacity. This setup can yield significant cost savings through load shifting, provide backup power for essential systems, or even support whole-home backup power during outages. For off grid systems, you’ll need considerably more storage.

What’s the difference between a solar battery rating and capacity? 

You’ll generally see both of these specifications when looking at solar storage. If a solar battery has a rated power of 5 kW and a storage capacity of 10 kWh, this means the battery can power up to 5,000 watts of the electrical load simultaneously – generally enough for domestic use. Because the battery can store 10 kWh, this mean that it can sustain a max load of 5,000 watts for up to two hours before depleting its charge.

What if you don’t utilize its full rating? If the battery only powers 1,250 watts this will give eight hours of full charge to total the max storage of 10,000 watts.



Next, you’ll want to look at the lifespan of the battery, which is generally less than that of the solar panels themselves. Check the estimated cycle life—this tells you how many charge and discharge cycles the battery can handle before it starts losing efficiency. A longer lifespan means more years of reliable energy storage and less replacing to match the life of your solar panels.


Efficiency is another biggie. This is about how much of the stored energy the battery can effectively utilize. Higher efficiency means you’ll get more usable power from your battery, translating to greater savings and better performance.

Consulting with Solar Specialists

Lastly, and perhaps most importantly, consult with solar specialists. They can guide you in choosing a system that pairs seamlessly with your existing photovoltaic (PV) setup and provide customized recommendations based on your specific energy needs and household or business dynamics.


Rebates and Incentives for Battery Storage in Atlantic Canada

Nova Scotia

Home Battery Pilot Efficiency Nova Scotia is currently offering limited-time incentives for eligible solar customers for home battery energy storage systems when paired with a solar PV system and installed by registered installers.

New Brunswick

New Brunswick offers the Total Home Energy Savings Program, which incentivizes energy-saving home upgrades, including battery storage. This program aims to help homeowners reduce their energy consumption, providing rebates that cover a significant portion of the costs associated with energy-efficient installations.

Prince Edward Island

Prince Edward Island’s Solar Electric Rebate Program includes provisions for battery storage systems when installed alongside solar panels. Rebates here can substantially offset installation costs, making it easier for families to transition to renewable energy.

Newfoundland and Labrador

Newfoundland and Labrador provide the Home Energy Efficiency Loan Program, which offers low-interest loans for energy efficiency upgrades, including battery storage systems. These loans make it more affordable to integrate battery storage with existing solar PV setups, enhancing homes’ overall energy efficiency.


Learn More with SolarU

Remember, there’s no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to solar battery storage. Taking the time to explore these factors and consulting with experts will ensure you make a well-informed decision that best suits your needs.

Ready to learn more about implementing a solar storage solution? Follow us at SolarU.